Friday, June 29, 2012


Yesterday I taught my seniors how to make a 10 min block table runner.  It is so easy and fast.  I made two runners and two placemats yesterday before class.  They loved it.  They began pulling out fabric from the pile of decor fabric that was donated to center and making table runners.  Thanks to one of my quilting buddies, Linda from took these pictures. Go to her blog for more pictures.   Patty D my other running and quilting buddy assisted me in sewing the table runner while I explain the directions.  I found out making these runners are really a good way of cutting down your stash.  Well, I have to eat something now.  I don't know about you, but sometimes I get caught up in quilting that I must make myself stop quilting and eat because I need the nurishment.  I be back later with more pictures of my projects since May 27. See Ya